The Jawa 42 has been updated for 2024 with prices ranging from Rs 1.73 lakh to Rs 1.98 lakh (ex-showroom, Delhi). The motorcycle has received a series of enhancements, including engine upgrades, subtle styling tweaks, and a redesigned seat. Notably, the starting price is Rs 16,000 lower than before.
Key Features:
- Mechanical Upgrades: The engine has been fine-tuned, drawing inspiration from the Jawa 350 and Yezdi Adventure. The revised 294cc liquid-cooled engine now delivers 27.32hp and 26.84Nm of torque. Additional improvements include the introduction of a slip and assist clutch and gear-based throttle mapping for smoother gear transitions. To minimize vibrations, Jawa has incorporated a redesigned balancer weight and a new hub-type balancer gear.
- Design and Comfort: The Jawa 42 now features a new seat designed for enhanced comfort, and the mounting point for the rear shocks has been adjusted.
- Variants: The entry-level model comes with single-channel ABS, spoked wheels, and an analogue LCD display. Higher variants offer dual-channel ABS and alloy wheels, with the top-end version boasting a fully digital LCD display.
Overall, the 2024 Jawa 42 combines mechanical refinement and rider comfort, making it a more attractive option in the market.
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