Poonam Pandey, aged 32, passed away on Friday, as announced on her official Instagram account. The cause of death was cervical cancer, and she passed away at her residence in Kanpur. Fans are deeply saddened by this news. Poonam Pandey was recently seen on Kangana Ranaut’s show “Lockup” and participated in the reality show “Big Boss” hosted by Salman Khan. Over the years, she achieved fame and financial success in her career. Let’s delve into the details of her net worth and car collection.
Poonam Pandey’s Car Collection
Poonam Pandey, the renowned actress, had a passion for luxury cars, reportedly owning a high-end BMW 5 Series Sedan valued at over 55 lakhs. She resided in a lavish four-storey apartment in the affluent Bandra area of Mumbai. The opulent apartment was valued in crores.
Poonam Pandey’s Net Worth
According to media reports, Poonam Pandey’s total net worth is estimated to be around 52 crores. She is considered one of India’s most popular and prosperous models. Apart from her acting career, Poonam owns a luxurious apartment in the posh Bandra locality, valued in crores.
Poonam Pandey’s Rise to Fame
Poonam Pandey gained rapid internet fame as a hot and bold actress, with her videos quickly going viral. Her popularity soared when she made headlines by promising to strip if the Indian cricket team won the 2011 World Cup. Despite not fulfilling the promise due to public disapproval, she continued to garner attention on social media, leading to opportunities in films and financial success.
Poonam Pandey’s Bollywood Career
Poonam Pandey achieved significant success with her role in Aditi Bhatia’s 2013 film “Nasha.” She also starred in other films like “The Journey of Karma,” “Malini and Company,” and “Dil Bole Hadippa.” Besides her film career, she appeared in television shows such as “Aashiqui Tumse Hi,” “Nadaaniyaan,” and “Fear Factor: Khatron Ke Khiladi.” Recently, she participated in Kangana Ranaut’s reality show “Lockup.”
Poonam Pandey’s Earnings
In addition to her acting and modeling, Poonam Pandey earned a substantial income through advertisements. She charged approximately 1 crore for a film and remained active on social media, generating additional income through various platforms. Her participation in the reality show “Big Boss” further boosted her income.
Poonam Pandey’s Diversified Career
Apart from her film and television career, Poonam Pandey expanded her presence in Bhojpuri films, featuring in the movie “Adalat.” She also earned income through magazine photoshoots, modeling assignments, and a mobile app with over 32 lakh subscribers, contributing significantly to her overall earnings.
In conclusion, Poonam Pandey’s career has been marked by versatility, with success in films, television, advertisements, and digital platforms, making her one of the prominent figures in the Indian entertainment industry.
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