Top Panel Beating Supplies for Efficient Repairs

Panel beating involves a gentle manipulation of the damaged metal of a car to restore its previous dent free shape. When a car gets into an accident or faces wear from everyday use, it can experience creases, dents, and general damage. Taking your vehicle to a trusted panel beating service provider is a handy choice. If you are facing the damaged condition of your automobile and want some durable repair work, consider hiring expert panel beaters in Perth.

But do you know the fundamental role of panel beating tools? Advanced tools are essential for a smooth mending job. The experience of professionals cannot deliver perfect results if the tools they use are subpar or not suitable for damage restoration. This is why panel beating tools are necessary to provide impeccable results. If you are clueless about these supplies, this blog is going to explain them to you. Let’s see the tools and how they contribute to astonishing results.

Top Panel Beating Supplies

The tools explained below are the industry standardized ones that provide flawless panel restoration for your car.

Hammers and Dollies

The use of high quality hammers and dollies is the foundation for panel beaters. The hammers and dollies come in various sizes and shapes, each having a particular job to do. However, each type of hammer and dolly smoothly eliminates the damage and restores the metal sheet of your automobile.

Bumping hammer: Also known as blending hammers. It gently stretches the material and smooths all imperfections, like dents and creases.

Shrinking hammer: It consists of one square and one circular side. The square is filled with sharp points to shrink the metal to its original place.

Heel, Toe, General dollies: These dollies act as the backup support. They are commonly used in panel beating and provide support to the metal behind the hammer.

Dent Pullers

Dent pullers are an excellent way to completely eliminate the dents. Whether from hailstorms, backing into the curb, or surviving a collision, any dent is pulled out with these astonishing tools. Panel beating companies use them as they are safe and guarantee top notch results for your vehicle.

Electrical Dent Puller: It is an effective tool used to even out stubborn indentations on larger areas.

Manual Dent Puller: It is a perfect way to eliminate superficial dents, especially when they are on the hard to reach spots.

Welding Equipment

Another pivotal tool in the world of panel beating is the welder. They join metal parts flawlessly and make your vehicle drivable again. Metal Inert Gas and the other one Tungsten Inert Gas are better known as two key types of welders.

MIG: It is the best solution for general repairs and is extensively used for its easy to use and fast features.

TIG: Although it is slower, it provides unmatched precision. This is reliable for all complex vehicle restoration jobs.

Painting and Sanding Tools

After finishing repairs, panel beating specialists use painting and sanding tools. Sanding smooths out the scuffs and other imperfections, while grinding tools remove excess metal. Moreover, painting tools ensure that the panel appears as good as new and has the showroom gleam.

Sandpaper: It ranges from 80 to 600 grit. This range is used for light paint removal to polish the surface for an even paint application.

DA (Dual Action) Sander: It is a versatile tool that is used for uniform sanding and buffing of a metal panel of the car.

Primer: The primer is crucial before painting as it ensures that the paint sticks to the surface and holds well over time.


Many people are aware of the term panel beating but are unfamiliar with what goes into this process. This blog shows the tools that are of utmost significance in this entire process. Even with the expertise of professional auto body technicians, your car will not be restored to perfection if the tools are not up to standard. From repairs to paint, every step has its own set of supplies. Whether you are a newbie or a seasoned panel beating specialist looking to upskill yourself, this blog is an excellent way to introduce yourself to the advanced world of panel beating.

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