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HCG Elevates Personalized Cancer Care with Salesforce

HCG Elevates Personalized Cancer Care with Salesforce

Few challenges in life are as profound or daunting as a cancer diagnosis. But having the right healthcare provider by your side can make all the difference in treatment outcomes. Healthcare Global Enterprises Ltd (HCG), a network of 25 hospitals, is renowned for its patient-centric, personalized approach to cancer care. With state-of-the-art technologies and over 450 specialists, HCG is committed to delivering the best oncology treatments at affordable prices. Every year, over 200,000 patients choose HCG for their care.

“Our vision is to make value-based, precision medicine available to our patients whenever and wherever they need care,” says Sudeep Dey, CIO of HCG. “That starts with building a unified patient view across touchpoints.”

Here’s how HCG is enhancing patient care with Salesforce:

1. Personalizing Patient Care with a Single Source of Truth

Previously, patient information at HCG was siloed, limiting visibility and hampering collaboration among medical, surgical, and support teams. The existing CRM system was rudimentary and poorly adopted.

“Without a single source of truth on patients, it was difficult for our teams to collaborate and deliver the multidisciplinary care that HCG is known for,” says Vineesh Ghei, Chief Sales Officer at HCG.

As patient expectations evolved, their satisfaction became tied not just to clinical outcomes but also to their overall healthcare experience. “In a digital-first world, patients expect access to healthcare services at their fingertips,” explains Sapna Agarwal, Associate VP of Operational Excellence at HCG. “Their journey across online and offline touchpoints needs to be seamless.”

To meet these expectations, HCG needed a new CRM platform that was flexible, easy to integrate, and quick to adapt to changing needs across sales, service, and marketing. Salesforce emerged as the best fit.

With Salesforce, HCG now has a single view of all its patients. Every case history, treatment plan, and patient preference is captured on the platform, enabling teams to truly personalize patient care. “Salesforce is the bedrock of patient care enablement at HCG,” says Dey. “With its 360-degree patient view, we’re able to meaningfully engage, empower, and support patients throughout their cancer care journey.”

2. Reducing Enquiry Response Time by 49% with Automation

When a patient first approaches HCG, the interaction is captured on Salesforce Sales Cloud. This enables HCG to reach out faster, answer enquiries more efficiently, and track conversations across the patient journey.

“Previously, we used spreadsheets to track this information,” says Ghei. “Now, patient data is automatically consolidated from various systems, saving time and reducing our response time to enquiries from 45 minutes to 23 minutes.”

Sales productivity has also improved. Teams can now prioritize daily tasks, track activities, and more at the click of a button. HCG also uses Sales Cloud to manage its partners, streamlining the entire cycle of partner outreach, onboarding, and engagement.

3. Resolving Service Queries in Under 5 Minutes with a 360-Degree Patient View

Once a patient is onboarded, their entire journey is managed on Salesforce Service Cloud, from outpatient consultations to inpatient processes and discharge planning. Integrated with HCG’s appointment booking engine, Salesforce allows patients to easily book appointments online and receive automated reminders.

Further integrations with HCG’s cloud telephony system ensure that when a patient contacts the call center, all their details appear on the agent’s screen. “With Patient 360, we know everything about the patient, including their treatment stage and past interactions,” says Agarwal. “This helps us resolve over 90% of queries in less than five minutes.”

Having a single source of patient truth also enables more proactive and personalized support. For instance, service agents might suggest a dietician to a patient post-radiotherapy or recommend the right hospital suite based on past preferences.

4. Enhancing Patient Wellness with Sensitive, Contextual Communications

Cancer care is often a long-term journey, and HCG is committed to engaging with patients throughout the process. Using Salesforce Marketing Cloud Engagement, HCG segments patients, maps their journeys, and delivers personalized communications at relevant touchpoints.

“Every patient’s journey is deeply personal, so our messages must be meaningful, accurate, and relevant to their treatment stage,” says Stuti Jain, Head of Brand, Digital, and Communications at HCG. “Our communications and ‘nudges’ are designed to add value without overwhelming the patient.”

Salesforce helps HCG stay connected with over 75% of patients post-hospital visit, providing relevant information and reminders throughout their recovery journey. HCG also uses Marketing Cloud to create campaigns that educate audiences about proactive cancer screening and treatment.

5. Making Better-Informed Decisions with Rich Data

Customer data from various systems is now captured on a single, secure, and unified platform. Powerful dashboards and reports provide operational intelligence, helping HCG improve decision-making across functions.

“Through data integration, we better understand patient experiences, which helps us improve satisfaction,” says Agarwal. Jain adds, “Insights from social media and other open platforms help us identify service strengths and areas for improvement, enhancing the quality of care.”

Marketing Cloud Intelligence provides real-time insights into campaign performance, patient engagement channels, partner lead conversions, and patient drop-out rates, optimizing both patient engagement and team performance.

6. Deepening Digital Transformation for Enhanced Patient Care

With enthusiastic adoption of Salesforce, HCG is now exploring additional platform features, such as using Einstein to make the call center more AI-driven. Further integrations with lab and radiology information systems, feedback management tools, and patient care apps will expand Patient 360.

“Our goal is to become an oncology knowledge company, staying up-to-date on treatment protocols and patient needs across touchpoints,” says Dey. Jain adds, “We aim to make HCG synonymous with exceptional cancer care.”

By leveraging Salesforce, HCG continues to set new standards in personalized, patient-centric cancer care, ensuring that patients receive the best possible support throughout their healthcare journey.

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